Software Download ¼ÒÇÁÆ®¿þ¾î ´Ù¿î·Îµå

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Software Download

VibroMetra PC Vibration Measuring System

VibroMetra Software Version 1.8 (ca. 30 MB)
Notice: You get help at any point in the program by pressing the F1 key.
This software is fully operational after registration. It can be tested without registration in Trainer mode with simulated sensor signals (see online help).
VibroMetra Software Version 1.9 Beta (ca. 30 MB) - test version, not completely stable
VibroMetra Software Version 1.7 (ca. 6 MB) - previous version, not further supported

Device driver M302 for 32 and 64 bit Windows, ZIP 60 kB
Device driver M312 for 32 and 64 bit Windows, ZIP 60 kB
Device drivers for VM-RADIO and VM-ADAM (ZIP 300 kB)
Firmware update version 2.0.390 for M312
8 Channel IEPE Conditioner M208A
M208A Control Center (4 MB) - M208A operating and measuring software for Windows PCs
Device driver for USB / RS-232 interface cable (Windows 32 / 64 bit), ZIP 1.2 MB
Vibration Meters VM22 / VM23 / VM24 / VM25
USB device driver  for VM2x versions 001.001, 001.002 and 001.003 (Windows XP/Vista/7, 32/64 Bit, INF file)
USB device driver for VM2x version 001.004 and higher (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, 32/64 Bit, ca. 8 MB, ZIP-File)
VM2x Measurement Database, ZIP, 90 MB
PC software for the management of VM2x measuring data and report generation (operable in test mode, license required for use with a VM2x)
Notice for users of 64 bit systems: Please install, in addition to VM2x Measurement Database, the 64 bit version of  SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 which you can download under this link:
Excel macro for FFT download with VM25 from Ver. 001.010 (500 kB)
Notice: The macro file runs on 32 and 64 bit systems. 64 bit versions of Microsoft Office are not supported.
VM2x firmware Ver. 001.010 (current firmware for VM22 / 24 / 25)
Caution: Please backup your VMID and K(t) data of model VM25 before starting the update.
Version history
Firmware file English / German / Spanish
Firmware file English / French / Italian
Important: Instruments of firmware version 001.001, 001.002 and 001.003 cannot be updated with this firmware. You can send them to us for a factory update.

The firmware version of your VM2x is displayed on the instrument's start screen
  1. Download the firmware file vm2x.hex with the desired languages to your PC (right mouse obove links click, "save as...").
  2. Install Firmware Updater on your PC and start it.
  3. Connect the VM2x to be updated to a USB port and switch it on.
  4. Select in Firmware Updater the USB COM port assigned to the VM2x. If you are not sure, check the number of "MSP-FET430UIF-VCP" in the Windows device manager.
  5. Select in Firmware Updater the instrument "VM2x" and the firmware file vm2x.hex.
  6. Select in the VM2x menu "Device settings" and "Firmware update" and confirm two times by pressing OK. The VM2x is now ready for receiving firmware.
  7. Click in Firmware Updater the "Send" button. The update progress is indicated by a bar graph.
Should the update fail, start again at point 3.
Firmware Updater (500 kB) - Utility program for firmware update
Human Vibration Meter VM30-H
vm30_english.XLS - Ver. 2 Excel file with macro for data import from VM30-H into Excel, English, for VM30-H version
vm30_english.XLS - Ver. 3 Excel file with macro for data import from VM30-H into Excel, English, for VM30-H version
vm30.dll - required for data import from VM30-H into Excel. Please copy to Windows system folder.
Device driver for USB / RS-232 interface cable (Windows 32 / 64 bit), ZIP 1.2 MB
Human Vibration Analyzer VM31
Excel macro for the calculation of daily vibration exposure, data archiving and report generation (2.5 MB)
Notice: The macro file runs on 32 and 64 bit systems. 64 bit versions of Microsoft Office are not supported.
USB device driver (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, 32/64 Bit, ca. 8 MB, ZIP-File)
Firmware update for VM31 Ver. 001.007
  1. Download the zipped firmware file to your PC and unpack the enclosed file vm31.hex to a folder of your choice
  2. Install Firmware Updater on your PC and start it.
  3. Connect the VM31 to be updated to a USB port and switch it on. Make sure the USB device driver for Metra products was installed.
  4. Select in Firmware Updater the USB COM port assigned to the VM31. If you are not sure, check the number of "MSP-FET430UIF-VCP" in the Windows device manager.
  5. Select in Firmware Updater the instrument "VM31" and enter the path to the firmware file vm31.hex.
  6. Select in the VM31 menu "Device settings" and "Firmware update" and confirm two times by pressing OK. The VM31 is now ready for receiving firmware.
  7. Click in Firmware Updater the "Send" button. The update progress is indicated by a bar graph.
Should the update fail, start again at point 3.
Firmware Updater (500 kB) - Utility program for firmware update
Vibration Meter for Wind Energy Plants VM30-W
vm30-w_english.XLS - Excel file with macro for data import from VM30-W into Excel, English version
vm30.dll - required for data import from VM30-W into Excel. Please copy to Windows system folder.
Device driver for USB / RS-232 interface cable (Windows 32 / 64 bit), ZIP 1.2 MB
Triaxial Vibration Monitor VM40A/B
PC Software for data downloading, archiving, trending and report generation (approx. 60 MB)
Notice for users of 64 bit systems: Please install also the 64 bit version of  SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 which you can download under this link:
USB device driver (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, 32/64 Bit, ca. 10 kB, ZIP-File)
Firmware update  for VM40A and VM40B
Version history
  1. Download the zipped firmware file to your PC and unpack the enclosed file vm40.hex to a folder of your choice
  2. Install Firmware Updater on your PC and start it.
  3. Connect the VM40 to a USB port and switch it on. Make sure the USB device driver for Metra products was installed.
  4. Select in Firmware Updater the USB COM port assigned to the VM40. If you are not sure, check the number of "MSP-FET430UIF-VCP" in the Windows device manager.
  5. Select in Firmware Updater the instrument "VM40" and enter the path to the firmware file vm40.hex.
  6. Select in the VM40 menu "Device settings" and "Firmware update" and confirm two times by pressing OK. The VM40 is now ready for receiving firmware.
  7. Click in Firmware Updater the "Send" button. The update progress is indicated by a bar graph.
Should the update fail, start again at point 3.
Firmware Updater (500 kB) - Utility program for firmware update
Vibration Calibrating Systems VC100 / VC110 / VC120
PC Software VC1xxCDB for VC110 and VC120 (for Windows XP/Vista/7/8, approx. 30 MB)
Notice for users of 64 bit systems: Please install, in addition to VM2x Measurement Database, the 64 bit version of  SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 which you can download under this link:
VC120: software license required (included in standard delivery)
VC110: USB/RS-232 converter Mod. VCUSB and software license required
VCUSB device driver (7kB)
Installation instructions (150 kB)
PC Software for Vibration Calibrating System VC110, Ver. 3.0 (up to Windows XP, approx. 2 MB)
PC Software for Vibration Calibrating System VC100 (former model) (up to Windows XP, approx. 2 MB)
Vibration Switches VS10 / VS11 / VS12
USB device driver (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, 32/64 Bit, ca. 8 MB, ZIP-File)
PC Software for setup and measurement (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, approx. 120 MB, ZIP file)
This software is based on LabView 2014. The LabView runtime environment is included.
The project files are provided below for your own applications.
VS1x  Labview Project Data (650 kB, ZIP file)
VS1x firmware update  ver. 001.002
  1. Download the zipped firmware file to your PC and unpack the enclosed file vs1x.hex to a folder of your choice
  2. Start the PC Software for setup and measurement, connect with the VS1x and click Firmware update. The old firmware will be deleted and the device is ready for new firmware data.
  3. Install Firmware Updater on your PC and start it.
  4. Select in Firmware Updater the USB COM port assigned to the VS1x. If you are not sure, check the number of "MSP-FET430UIF-VCP" in the Windows device manager.
  5. Select in Firmware Updater the instrument "VS1x" and enter the path to the firmware file vs1x.hex.
  6. Click in Firmware Updater the "Send" button. The update progress is indicated by a bar graph.
Should the update fail, reconnect the VS1x and start again at point 4.
Firmware Updater (500 kB) - Utility program for firmware update
TEDS Support
Manufacturer Model Enumeration File  This standard file includes the reference between the model numbers stored in the TEDS memory and Metra's actual model numbers.
TEDS-IO Ver. 1.3 Windows program for reading and editing the information stored in the TEDS memory (approx. 5 MB)
Notice:  This program requires for operation a connected  USB/1-Wire¢ç adapter DS9490R from Maxim with installed driver.
The driver can be downloaded from
After driver installation please run "Default 1-Wire Net.exe" from the start menu and perform automatic hardware detection. Once your adapter was detected it will remain stored as standard device for the communication between TEDS-IO and the sensor.
To work with the
DS9490R adapter it may also be necessary to install Microsoft Visual J# from
For connecting a TEDS sensor to the 1-Wire¢ç adapter you will need an interface cable. Please contact us if you need support.


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  »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£: 214-03-16174  I  ´ëÇ¥ÀÚ: Á¶Àκ¹  I  ´ëÇ¥: 031-895-4370  
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           INDEXTM Corporation  A-1602, SK VIEW Lake Tower, 25, Beopjo-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16514, Korea.